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This document is translated by the community. You can contribute on Crowdin. We appreciate your cooperation 🙏.



Be sure to check FAQ as well.

If you encounter a problem, first review the following standard problems and their solutions. If there is no corresponding item, or if the problem persists after trying the steps, please contact the server administrator or report the problem.

The client does not start

In most of the cases, this is due your used browser's or operating system's version being outdated. Please try updating your browser or operating system to the latest version and then try again.

Although unlikely, if the client still does not start, there might be a problem with the cache. In this case, please try clearing your cache and then try again.

Pages cannot be loaded

If your client does load successfully, but you get an error when trying to load the content, please check your network connection first. Also, check that the server you are trying to access is not down.

Although unlikely, this could be due to the issue with the cache. In this case, please try clearing your cache and then try again.

Any remaining problems are likely related to the server itself, so please contact the administrator.

The client is slow

Before changing any of your settings, first make sure that your Internet service provider is not experiencing any outages or maintenance, that your network transmission speed is sufficient, that your network settings are normal, and that there are any outages or maintenance on the server side, then try or check the following:

  1. Misskey Web Settings
    Open Settings from the menu, go to the General page, and try to adjust following settings:
  • Turn on "Reduce UI animations" in the Appearance section
  • Turn off "Use blur effect for modals" in the Appearance section
  • Turn on "Use system default font" in the Appearance section
  • Turn on "Use OS native emojis" in Appearance section

Please note that enabling the following settings will improve client performance, but at the cost of preventing some features from working.

  • Turn off "Disable Scripting in Pages" in the Behavior section
  • Turn on "Disable animated MFM" in Appearance section
  1. Browser Settings
  • Activate hardware acceleration in your browser's settings
  • Check your browser's add-ons and extensions settings or turn them off
  • Check other settings of your browser
  1. Other
  • Check the system settings of your PC or smartphone

Some parts of Misskey Web are displayed incorrectly (transparent background, etc.)

When changes are made to the UI due to an update, the theme's cache system may cause the UI to display incorrectly. In this case, just click "Clear cache" in the settings section of Misskey Web.


The Clear Cache button is located in the Settings section within Misskey Web. Do not clear the browser cache.

Indicators for notifications, antennas, etc. don't go away

A blinking light indicates unread content. In cases where this light won't go away, there is usually unread content that has been pushed away by new incoming content. If you believe to have read all content, but the light still won't go away (likely a bug), you can forcibly mark all content as read via the user settings.

The renote button is blocked out

Followers-only and direct notes cannot be renoted.

Certain components of Misskey Web are not available

It is likely that add-ons or extensions such as ad blockers installed in your web browser are causing the problem. Please check those settings or turn them off.

Some parts of the Misskey Web have not been translated

In most cases, the part is simply not yet translated. It is not a glitch. Please wait for a while until the translation is completed.

If you are interested, you too can participate in translating Misskey.