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Creating Plugins
The plugin feature of the Misskey Web Client allows you to extend the client and add various features to it.
This is a complete example of plugin. This plugin adds a "Fugu Punch Button" to the post form by utilizing Plugin:register_post_form_action
By installing this plugin, you will find additional item named "Fugu Punch" in plugin section of the post form. And if you click the button, フグパンチ!!!!🐡( '-' 🐡 )
will be appended in the body text.
/// @ 0.12.4
### {
name: "Fugu Punch Button"
version: "0.0.1"
author: "Misskey Project"
Plugin:register_post_form_action('Fugu Punch', @(note, rewrite) {
let fugu = "フグパンチ!!!!🐡( '-' 🐡 )"
if (note.text.trim() == '') {
// Replace with Fugu Punch when no body text is present
rewrite('text', fugu)
} else {
// If body has some content, append Fugu Punch and line break
rewrite('text', `{fugu}{Str:lf}{note.text}`)
Plugins are scripts written using AiScript.
Plugins must use AiScript's metadata feature to define the plugin's metadata as the default. Example of some metadata are:Example of some metadata are:
/// @ 0.12.4
### {
name: "Plugin Name"
version: "4.2.1"
author: "Plugin Author"
description: "Plugin Description"
Metadata is an object that contains the following properties:
Plugin name
Plugin author
Plugin version. A number must be specified. A number must be specified.
Plugin description
Permissions required by the plugin. Permissions required by the plugin. Used when making requests to the Misskey API.
Please refer to AiScript Misskey Extension API Reference for how to make a request to the API.
Refer to this document for a list of permissions.
An object representing the plugin's settings. Keys are setting names and values are any of the below properties. Please refer to the Plugin API Reference for information on what APIs are available.
A string representing the setting's value type. Can be either a string, number, or boolean. Can be either a string, number, or boolean.
Setting name displayed to users
Description of the setting
Default value of the setting
Misskey Web exposes APIs for Plugins, which can be used to extend client functionality.
Distributing Plugins
Starting with v2023.11.0, you can install plugins directly from your website with one click.
If you want to provide plugin installation functionality, you will need to implement an API on your site. For more information, please see here.