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Widgets are small displays that can be added to the Misskey UI to show and interact with information.
To change which widgets are displayed, enter widget editing mode. The way widgets are edited depends on which UI is being used. In widget editing mode, you can add, remove, rearrange, and configure widgets.
List of Widgets
- Profile
- Instance Information
- Sticky notes
- Timeline
- Calendar
- RSS reader
- RSS-Ticker
- Trending
- Clock
- Activity
- Photos
- Digital clock
- UNIX clock
- Federation
- Instance cloud
- Posting form
- Slideshow
- Server metrics
- Online users
- Job Queue
- Button
- AiScript console
- AiScript App
- Ai
- User list
- Clicker
Displays your username, avatar, and banner. This widget can help you keep track of which account you are using if you have multiple accounts.
Instance Information
Displays the instance name, domain, icon, and banner.
Sticky notes
A notepad for saving text.
Shows a timeline. You can switch between the Home, Local, Social, and Global timelines.
Shows today's date, day of the week, and percentages for the passage of the day, month, and year. In the Default UI, this widget is displayed by default.
RSS reader
Lists titles from an RSS feed.
Lists titles from an RSS feed in a scrolling ticker format.
Shows the most frequent hashtags.
Shows the current time on an analogue clock.
Shows a dot-style activity graph for the current user.
Shows recent files from the Drive.
Digital clock
Shows the current time on a digital clock.
UNIX clock
Shows the current time in UNIX format.
Shows the most popular remote instances.
Instance cloud
Shows remote instances as a sphere.
Posting form
Contains the form used to compose notes.
Displays the contents of a Drive folder in sequence.
Server metrics
Displays the instance's CPU, memory, network traffic, and storage capacity. This may be disabled depending on instance configuration.
Online users
Displays the number of users who are online.
Job Queue
Displays the status of the federation job queue.
A button. Executes AiScript.
AiScript console
A console for running AiScript.
AiScript App
Displays an app written in AiScript. Uses the same UI as Misskey Play. Added in v13.
Shows Ai. Follows your cursor with her gaze.
User list
Shows a list of users. Head to "More!" > "Lists" to set the list.
Shows a cookie. Click/tap the cookie.