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In addition to notes, you can create pages on Misskey.v13 specializes in static pages.


Starting with v13, Misskey Play can be used instead of dynamic page creation.

Page Settings

Set items related to the page. You can enter the following items.

  • Title
  • Page summary
  • Page URL
  • Center alignment
  • Font
  • Hide title when pinned
  • Featured image


Enter the title of the page. It will appear in the list.

Page summary

Enter a brief description. It will appear in the list.

Page URL

Optionally set the ●●● in https://server-name/@user/pages/●●●.

Center alignment

When enabled, the contents will be centered.


Choose from serif or sans-serif.

Hide title when pinned

Hides the title when pinned.

You can set an image from the Featured Image Settings. It is possible to display this in a list view, etc.


Edit the page body. Pages can be generated by combining one or more of the following blocks.

  • Section
  • Text
  • Image
  • Embedded note


When setting a title, it is displayed as a heading. Furthermore, blocks can be set inside.


Enter the text body. MFM and custom emoji can be used.


Show an image. Set an image from Drive.

Embedded note

By entering a note ID, its contents are displayed. If you want to embed another server, put its URL in the search and paste the ID that's displayed.